Jorge León (1967) graduated at the Brussels Ins5tut Na5onal Supérieur des Arts du Spectacle (INSAS) and has been working as a photographer and film director. He was also ac5ve a drama5st and stage designer for various projects. As a photographer, he worked for Belgian and foreign ar5sts and companies, among who Olga de Soto, Wim Vandekeybus and Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods. Léon’s photos have been exhibited at various loca5ons across Belgium and abroad and were published in newspapers such as The Times and Libéra5on. At the 1999 Kunstenfes5valdesarts, Léon created his installa5on Unfinished Stories. More recently he has been ac5ve primarily as a filmmaker, with a series of films including De Sable et de Ciment (2003), Vous êtes Ici (2006), Between Two Chairs (2007) and 10min. (2009).

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